torstai 14. huhtikuuta 2011

World, N-Africa and Middle East sivilization

Now the world is concerned about nuclear plants as there is so many struggles in Japan to contain the leaks after huge earthquake and tsunami recently. Biggest concern has been the possible plutonium leak.

In the world the storms are 10 % stronger and the big earthquakes having struck in double numbers this month comparing to months before 2006. Whether the reason is; the size of earth increasing or magnetism decreasing who knows? Solar cycle in also winding up now and could cause eventually some sun flare events and electric cuts.
UFOs are becoming common sight in many countries - including Japan, guarding the radiation levels perhaps? Finances are in transition and might bring some collapse before we end up to new economics. Soros is already announcing new Bretton Woods, although that might be still doomed to failure while based on selfish ideology. Federal Reserve has been forced to open its files. Europe is scared with failing nations and currency concerns. Opec is doing still fine with oil income, if the unrest will not hamper the production, sales and transportation. But at least the US government is still existing after last weeks quarrels with its budget, but more quarrels might be ahead.

Science is advancing and new discoveries coming into light: the car running with water. AFP, Data may have revealed a new elementary particle. Persistent riddle of mass and how objects obtain it — one of the most sought-after answers in all of physics. There are ongoing experiments with proton and antiproton collisions to understand the workings of the universe. “There could be some new force beyond the force that we know… whole new world of interactions.”

Pollution is creating more crises all over the world. Nuclear radiation altering DNA, volcanism, antibiotic-resistant super bugs, food crises etc. Battles are going on behind the curtains ab new economics, global governance etc and even openly in North-African and Middle-East countries.

And what says Sarkar about the huge changes in the history of earth - and special attention here on North-Africa and Middle-East?

There was no North India, no Tibet and no Himalayas. There was only one contiguous land mass from what is now the eastern portion of Africa, including South India and Malaysia, up to Australia. This land – the oldest land mass of the world – consisted mainly of a long island in an archipelago. This land – which covered what is presently the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Indonesian Archipelago, the Deccan plateau, South East Asia and Oceania – has been named Gondwana land. Ráŕh – the oldest part of this Gondwanaland that has remained above the sea – was the birth place of human beings. The hills of Anandanagar in Ráŕh are also at least 300 million years old.

Then at least 30 million years ago, a plutonic earthquake occurred. The land in the portions where the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea are now was submerged under the sea and the present North India emerged. In the same earthquake, those parts which were previously hills became islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. In this way a group of 503 oceanic islands, comprising Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines was also formed. All this, including the emergence of the Himalayas, took place about 30 million years ago. The Himalayas are therefore approximately 30 million years old, but Gondwana land and Ráŕh are much older than that. The fossils of ocean creatures can be found in the Shivalik ranges. This is proof that at one time the Himalayan ranges were under water. The Indo-Gangetic plains were formed from the alluvial deposits of the Himalayas.

The Sahara desert and the Thar desert of Sind and Rajasthan were previously under the sea, thus their sand dunes are of marine origin. These dunes are proof that these regions were under the oceans at one time. There are three types of volcanic eruptions – volcanic, plutonic and tertiary.

On this earth a tremendous psychic change took place 1,000,000 years ago. While human beings evolved about one million years ago, the present humans originated only 100,000 years ago, and a long time passed before they became civilized.
Humanity’s journey on the path of civilization started only 15,000 years ago. This can be inferred from the fact that human beings began evolving language about this time. The oldest part of the Vedas belong to this period. There is a close similarity between the language used in the oldest part of the Vedas and the language of the people living 15,000 years ago. The Vedic civilization is the oldest civilization in the world. The humans of those days merely followed a few rules and regulations in certain areas – no more than that.

A full-fledged civilization, with the four symbols of advance ment – agriculture, the wheel, dress and script – started only about 7000 years ago. Human beings had grasped the rudimentals of these four inventions by this time. Pictorial letters were in vented less than 7000 years ago, and philosophy was discovered about 4000 years ago. The first philosopher was Maharśi Kapil, who will be remembered and respected for all time.

The Mayan civilization lagged behind for one reason: they could not invent the wheel. Their sledges were drawn by deer. In the North Polar region there are still sledges without wheels in use, that are pulled along the snow and ice-covered areas. Wheels are symbols of speed, and as the Mayans could not invent the wheel, they could not develop wagons and carts. And because transport and communication were hindered and mechanical energy could not be harnessed, the civilization began to lag behind.

But the Egyptian civilization which once preserved mummies and developed so many spectacular things, also began to lag behind due to the lack of kśatriyan spirit which is essential for the preservation of civilization. The Chinese civilization did not perish altogether; it still survives through metamorphosis. The Indian civilization also did not perish; it, too, has survived through transformation. But the Indian civilization has undergone so much changes that it is extremely difficult to find its original colour these days. There is hardly any connection between the pre-Vedic and the Vedic way of life and that of modern India. One can only trace the remnants of these great civilizations with much difficulty.

Take the case of ancient Egyptian civilization. Whether we like all the features of ancient Egyptian civilization or not, it could definitely claim some special characteristics. But the conflict of waves that occurred in its inner body weakened the collective waves of the society as a whole. The various social groups from Asia and the southeast European countries were inherently stronger in their collective waves than the Egyptians themselves, and this led to the destruction of the Egyptian civilization. However, a proper assessment of this historical occurrence will reveal that the ancient Egyptian civilization was not completely destroyed.
The greatest blow to Egyptian civilization came from the section of Arab society that was imbued with Islamic ideology. Due to the influence of these new Arab bhávadhárá [thought-waves], the new Egypt became dissociated, in its thought-waves, from ancient Egypt. Thus modern Egypt has ideologically (3) nothing in common with its ancient past.

The Arab culture was not only full of vitality; it also had a distinct sensibility of its own. Although the vitality of the Egyptian traditions was destroyed at the time of the Arab invasion, Egypt’s inherent sensibility was not. What remained of Egyptian sensibility was diametrically opposite to the new Arab thought-wave. The Arabs assimilated the antithetical Egyptian sensibility, and as a result the Arab thought-wave was considerably weakened. As a result it became impossible for the Arabs to conquer Europe. This was also one of the main reasons for the retreat of the Iberian Moors.

One question remains. Since ancient Arab thought-waves and Islamized Arab thought-waves were different from each other, why did the former not destroy the vital force of the latter? Actually, many ancient Arab thought-waves were assimilated into the Islamized Arab thought-waves. Where there were differences, there was tremendous conflict. However, a common ádarsha [ideology] and a common spiritual awareness, both accepted by a large number of people, greatly helped the Islamized Arab ideas to establish themselves over the ancient Arab ideas.

Islamized Arab ideas suffered the same set-back in Persia on the east as they did in Egypt on the west. Persian society had its own distinct characteristics and only accepted Islamic thought-waves externally, while its own Persian ideology remained for a long time as a subterranean flow. It remains even today, though only as a thin current.

Islamized Arab ideology became weakened as it passed through Persia, and after crossing the Indus Valley and entering India it was unable to exert a deep influence on Indian society. But this was secondary as a reason that the Islamized Arabs were unable to defeat India. The most important reason was the strength of India’s social and spiritual ideology and the rationalistic mentality of the Indians themselves. Although the varńáshrama [caste] system was based on idol worship and created deep divisions in the Indian social structure, the greatness of India’s moral, social and spiritual ideology had generated a powerful wave in her collective life. The Islamic social ideology, modified as it was after passing through Persia, was unable to obliterate that wave.

That modified Islamic social ideology has lived side by side with the Indian social ideology for centuries, but due to the opposite natures of their waves, the exchange between them has been negligible. Of course Islamic society has had some influence on the external forms of Indian society, but Islam has not had any influence on the mental and spiritual outlook of the Indian people. The Sufi influence on Indian society (an influence particularly on Indian Vaishnavism) is actually of Persian and not of Islamic origin. The vibrational expression of the Sufi influence is in harmony with Indian thinking and it has therefore supplied vital energy to Indian social life for centuries.

The Christian or Roman civilization was also considerably higher on the ladder of development. Yet they were lacking in social outlook. There were no feelings of fraternity and equality. The slave system was rampant and human feelings were on the wane. Furthermore, the lack of a proper socio-economic theory generated a kind of fascist mentality in them. Those rolling in luxury and adverse to labour became indolent. Naturally they were defeated by a stronger and more strenuous force. The destruction of the Greek and Chinese civilizations was also caused by the lack of the factors of Bhati. The Aryans could defeat the indigenous Indians only due to the latter’s lacking in the factors of Bhati. They had several factors of Bhati but there was no preceptor and hence they were defeated.

Didi Annapurna