maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2012

Global development schemes, not food for work

Cap between rich and poor, Some thoughts based on Some economists understand that some difference in incomes is needed, because it gives motivation to work …and it keeps the nation’s economy running. The widening cap and fast increase of rich class would be disastrous to the growth of Finnish economy according researcher Malinen, Helsinki University.

The money while accumulated to the rich doesn’t end up to consumption, but is accumulating into investments for bad times. And at same time the quest for goods and services decreases. In extreme situation while numbers of rich and poor are increasing and the middle class decreasing, the prise of common life necessities will increase, because the rich are able to pay more, so the poor can survive only with the help of expensive loans.

In US study; when the rich get richer, it increases the need for loans of poor and middle class. The wealth cap and inequality slow down the intelligent capacity. The poor can’t survive for years only by student grants, like the rich can manage. Thus the mental growth of society decreases. This can be seen even in Finland although the education is free…Many doesn’t have still computers and the school education is always more effective than self study. Tuomas Malinen; ”Income inequality in the process of economic development".

VRLeaks: Minister for International Development Hautala is requesting the VR bonus system to be taken into reconsideration. Some of the leaders of VR are getting bonuses by million euros. VR-bonussysteemi.

Sarkar: In the economic sphere, you must know that two factors are very important. The first is that money will have to be kept in circulation. It must be understood that the more the purchasing capacity of money is not utilized or money is kept stagnant, the more the economic stratum is damaged. The second is that money, and indirectly its interest, can bring about disparities in wealth if it loses its ability to be the unit of economic equilibrium and stability. If these two fundamental factors of economics are even partially forgotten, a worldwide economic depression will result.

The Tántrikas, (those who practice Tantra) are to stage a fight against all crude forces, a pauseless struggle against inequality and cowardliness.

The only solution to the world-wide problem of malnutrition and of the maladjustment and misallocation of resources is to implement multi-purpose development schemes… and aim to immediately elevate the standard of living of the people and bring about integrated development throughout the world. Such schemes are for the entire globe, and include undertaking temporary and permanent relief and upgrading the standard of education wherever required.

Calamity only comes when they (vaeshyas, capitalists) lose their common sense out of excessive greed and try to suck society completely dry. Once the social body falls unconscious, the vaeshyas (owners, rich) will die along with the rest of the body. Otherwise, before allowing themselves to die, the exploited shúdras (workers), kśatriyas (activists, fighters) and vipras (educated, intelligent) can unite to destroy the vaeshyas.

As a result of excessive wealth the vaeshyas lose their self-control and their character on the one hand; and many unfortunate women are forced by poverty to descend to this sinful occupation (prostitution) on the other hand.

Having said all this, I still contend that nothing in this world is exclusively good or bad. For any individual or collective endeavor, capital, either in the form of money or resources is initially required. The opportunity to create such capital, to create capital in a massive way or in a widely-diversified way, comes in the Vaeshya Age. With the help of such capital, wealth can be generated for both individual and collective needs....

The politicians introduce projects like “Food for Work” amongst the rural population…They are keeping the people engrossed in menial economic activities, and have so far prevented genuine revolution in society.

Disparity between the haves and the have-nots and the rich and the poor will have to be progressively reduced so that the collective wealth will increase and society will become bountiful.

Didi Annapurna